In Attendance: Bob Osterhoudt, John Johnson, Ken Szok, Jeannie and Leroy Bainbridge, Everett Owensby, and Bob Hesselgrave.

Jack Liebowitz was out of town.


  • It was decided to meet each month on the third Friday at Arnie’s Model Trains, 6452 Industry Way, Westminster, CA 92683, at 6:00 pm. A huge thank you to all the guys there for helping us out!
  • Election of Officers–

President– Bob Osterhoudt

Vice-President– Jack Liebowitz

Secretary– Bob Hesselgrave

Treasurer– Johnny Johnson

  • Treasurer’s report– we are broke! However, with the December dues we should be flush again.
  • Incorporation update– Bob, Jack, and Johnny are working to restore our Not-For-Profit status. Looks like that will cost us $400 and some paperwork.
  • Library shows were well-attended and it was a very nice venue. We made enough money to reduce our debt to manageable proportions.
  • Upcoming Shows– we have been invited to participate in two shows: Banning on October 11-12, and Palos Verde October 25-26. After discussing the logistics of who would be able to attend and who would not, it was decided to send in the application for Banning only.
  • Jeannie compiled a list of all the repairs and modifications needed on the various club and individual modules. There was some discussion of a work day following the next meeting, and other discussions of just working individually. If there is a scheduled work day, everyone will be notified in advance.
  • We still have a number of Christmas cars that we will begin listing on eBay around the end of September through November.
  • Next year’s NSE Convention is scheduled for late June in Sacramento. All of the membership showed varying degrees of interest, with the general consensus that most of us, if not all of us, would show up for at least a part of the Convention. Bob H will attach a membership application to the newsletter. Bob H spoke about the advantages of membership, and the invitation by NMRA to join at the last Convention, and the state of NTrak with the passing of Jim FitzGerald. Benefits include access to and discounts on many Special Run cars, a bi-monthly high quality magazine, and a member’s only car each year. He will attach a membership form to the newsletter for those interested.
  • At the close of the meeting, Arnie’s informed up that all members are entitled to an additional 10% discount off of their already discounted prices!! What a great group of guys.
  • Meeting was adjourned around 7:30 pm.